About mmorpg WildStar online analysis

Many gamers are excited for wildstar online game. The game has a hilarious sense of humor mixed with that kind of animated style which makes it really cool, it looks awesome. So, just recently, WildStar put out some news on how aiming will work and now even more games are getting pumped up for the release of the game.

WildStar Mounts Preview

Mounts in the WildStar more than just a way to get from here and there, while they so ease the pain of travel, and the most excellent thing about them is just you can customize them to express yourself style. In other words, you can customize mounts as you like.

WildStar Healer Guide - Which Class Should You Play?

Wildstar is an upcoming MMO set to release in 2014. The purpose of this video is to help you get a feel for the 3 classes capable of healing(Esper, Spellslinger, and Medic). Hopefully this will give you a feel of which healer best fits your play style and helps you answer the question: Which Healer should I pick?

Walatiki Temple WildStar PVP Analysis Guide

The Walatike Temple is the PvP map in WildStar for the newbie, basically the new players can enter into this map through Group Finder System. Click "N" can open the Group Finder System, and chose Practice Grounds, then you can choose Walatiki Temple. The end, Let's join the fight!

Build Your House WildStar Housing System

After entered the Housing System, you may see a large open space. You can build any building you like on the ground, plant trees, decorate the house outside and inner. To change the color of the sky, invite friends visiting, and have a BBQ. What a funny thing in online game!

WildStar Tradeskills Guides: Cooking,Mining Ore Farming

wildstar Tradeskills are useful , and can help us to quickly enhance the role of property , equipment, property and fighting properties , and increase game fun , very interesting.

WildStar Class Introduction: Stalker

Although they do not wear heavy armor like Warrior, with flexible skills and high dexterity, they can be a good Tank in a team.
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