WildStar Rare Mobs in Daily Zones

There are 4 rare mobs you can encounter while adventuring through Crimson Badlands and Northern Wastes. Two of them are found in Crimson Badlands and the other two are in Northern Wastes.

How to Gain the Fastest EXP in WildStar

When it comes to leveling quickly in WildStar, all classes will have a fair shot at leveling efficiently either solo or with teammates. Due to the solid trinity system that’s in place, some classes and specs will level quicker than others.

Wildstar Architect Leveling Guide

Architect in Wildstar relies on every other gathering profession, however the two that stand out are Survivalist and Mining. Survivalist seems to be the most important but if you do choose Mining you can buy the materials from the Commodities Vendor.

WildStar Mining Ore Farming Introduction and Guides

When you reach level 10, you can go to the village and find merchants to lear these skills. Then choose mining, and click "Learn". After a small conversation, you would get the simple mining tools.

What to do to try and get more WildStar gold

When you sell C.R.E.D.D in C.R.E.D.D Exchange,If you disagree with the current sell price, you can name your price by manually entering your preferred price under the “Sell C.R.E.D.D. Now” button. Using this option will allow you to enter your preferred price. Your market listing will stay up for 48 hours

Tradeskill Trainer Tocations in WildStar

Looking for the Wildstar Tradeskill Trainer Locations? Here is a list of each Dominion and Exile Trainer location and level range.Just dig in it now !

WildStar Tricks to Shiphand Missions

Shiphands are missions that you will occasionally come across during your leveling process. The missions themselves are often off world and consist of questlines with optional side quests for extra credit. Shiphands can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes to complete and can be done by 1 to 5 players.

More Strategies for making Wildstar gold

As a level 23 character,I just successfully purchased my first free month of game-time in Wildstar last week with a buy order of 2.25p.you might be wondering how I did this. In no particular order, here are some of our gold-making methods:

Crafting Gear at WildStar Endgame

Crafters do crafting dailies that are found in Illium/Thayd (Main cities), Deradune, Ellevar, Whitevale, Wilderrun, Malgrave and Grimvault (There might be others that I have yet to find) to gain crafting vouchers that can be spent to purchase crafting materials and more importantly schematics for expert research.

Make money in WildStar by Auction House And Commodity Exchange

Money in WildStar is surprisingly easy and yet there are plenty of players on a daily basis asking on our livechat how to go about it. Firstly,we are not the richest player by any standards as Iwe know of several that have hundreds of Platinum thanks to early wealth acquisition through Architect crafting.

What to do to Get the Free Retroblade Mount

Have you ever get hacked in wildstar? Do you afraid to be hacked when you have a lot of wildstar platinum and live a good life in wildstar? Once your account gets hacked, your wildstar gold, your housing décor, even your gear and weapons will not return.

WildStar Currency Strategy Guide

In WildStar there are several different kinds of coins, which you can use to pay for equipment, mounts or house adornments with.Coins:Coins are the basic currency in the game. You can use them to buy items from the majority of merchants and in the auction house
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